Monday 15 August 2016

Marketing: Creative or Logical?

Probably the image of a marketing man as a crazy guy in an innovative and colorful office will be replaced by an image of a geek-guy looking 3 computer monitors with a lot of numbers and graphs.
With the almost universal access to the internet, people spending more and more time on social media, purchases being made online, and cloud computing providing cheap and practically infinite computer power, Marketing will become more and more an exact science.

In the past, we were really dependent on the great idea of creative guys. A company spent a lot of money in an advertising to television and just would measure the outcome after weeks.
Today is possible to test hundreds of ads, with just some little differences and know in some hours which is the best ad. Moreover, we can do different ads for different people, based on their behavior on the internet. It is possible using A/B tests and big data, tools of these geek-logical-guys.

The marketing is changing, and to survive in the new scenario the professionals will need to understand better about analytics and new types of online research and how to use big data. The creative work will not end, but will change, and the creative people will need at least know the new language to can communicate effectively with new logical-workers in this field.
To improve our skills in this area we can use some free resources available on the internet, two examples are:
•    Analytics Academy, from Google:
•    Marketing Analytics class from Berkeley University, available free on edX:

The world is increasingly interdisciplinary, and learn to talk with other areas will be essential. Great things will emerge from the interaction between creative and analytical people, and the consumer will have better and custom ads.

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