Monday 22 August 2016

Chronicle of Mobile World

Just a little history today for we think about.

Chronicle of Mobile World

Every ten characters sighted underground in the capital, eleven are mobile. They say here that the profession of the future is the specialist of unaugmented reality. Some scholars even argue the hypothesis that real life has been more interesting. So démodé.

Monday 15 August 2016

Marketing: Creative or Logical?

Probably the image of a marketing man as a crazy guy in an innovative and colorful office will be replaced by an image of a geek-guy looking 3 computer monitors with a lot of numbers and graphs.
With the almost universal access to the internet, people spending more and more time on social media, purchases being made online, and cloud computing providing cheap and practically infinite computer power, Marketing will become more and more an exact science.

In the past, we were really dependent on the great idea of creative guys. A company spent a lot of money in an advertising to television and just would measure the outcome after weeks.
Today is possible to test hundreds of ads, with just some little differences and know in some hours which is the best ad. Moreover, we can do different ads for different people, based on their behavior on the internet. It is possible using A/B tests and big data, tools of these geek-logical-guys.

The marketing is changing, and to survive in the new scenario the professionals will need to understand better about analytics and new types of online research and how to use big data. The creative work will not end, but will change, and the creative people will need at least know the new language to can communicate effectively with new logical-workers in this field.
To improve our skills in this area we can use some free resources available on the internet, two examples are:
•    Analytics Academy, from Google:
•    Marketing Analytics class from Berkeley University, available free on edX:

The world is increasingly interdisciplinary, and learn to talk with other areas will be essential. Great things will emerge from the interaction between creative and analytical people, and the consumer will have better and custom ads.

Wednesday 10 August 2016

New Business Models in Internet Era

The world is changing.  Fast.

When we look back we can see that before the first industrial revolution the business were just the craftsmen, that made and sold their products. When the 1º revolution arrives in the mid-eighteenth century, with the first industrial machines, the first modern companies began to emerge with the mass production.

More than a hundred years later we had the second industrial revolution with the automotive industry and electricity. Then, the businessman starts think about scientific management and new business models start to emerge, but the focus continuous in mass production. The logic is still build-sell, build-sell, build-sell.

Took less than a hundred years and we come to the internet revolution. A lot of business are changing, like educational sector with distance education and MOOCs. Other markets are breaking, like record industry with music downloads. And finally other markets are born, as the app-companies, that can build millionaires companies “overnight”.

The fact is: The technologies are changing, and with new technologies, we have new business models, and finally with new business models we are changing the interaction between people and with the world. For example, with the internet the marginal cost per new client is almost zero, this allowed companies like Dropbox and Spotify offer products and services for free, it is the famous “freemium” business model, that allow people have access to excellent products free.

Michael Rappa, analyze different business models on the web and show us nine categories for business models:
•    Brokerage
•    Advertising
•    Infomediary
•    Merchant
•    Manufacturer (Direct)
•    Affiliate
•    Community
•    Subscription
•    Utility

In their article, he explains these models, and we can see examples of billionaires’ companies that usage these models. However, the world continuous changing, the internet is changing, being faster and cheaper. The way that people relate to the internet is changing (Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010), with user-generated content and social networking sites.

The issue now is imagining how we can improve these business models or create a completely new business models, that will allow the new billionaire's companies emerge.

Books to deepen:
To understand business model and learn how to build one:
Business Model Generation (Canvas)

To understand how new technologies will change the world:

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Businesses Need to Professionalize Social Media

image taken from:

In the Sensis Social Media Report (2015) we have some interesting statistics, like:
49% of Australians use social network sites everyday (and growing each year)
45% of Australians access social networks site as thirst thing in the morning

Despite half of Australians are in social medias and access this daily, just some businesses are in these spaces:
30% of small business
32% of medium business
56% of large business

Besides that, less than half of companies update social media daily. Despite be active is an essential part to construct a good relationship.

Just 19% of small business, 39% of the medium business and 63% of large business have a strategic plan for social media. Forgetting that social media need planning and lot of study to bring good results.

And almost all businesses measure the success of social media investment with a number of likes and increasing in sales. Despite, that the internet and the social medias permit us to have access to a lot of data to construct good ways to measure results, business continuing just using “likes”.

This scenario shows us how entrepreneurs and large enterprises continue amateur in this area. Besides social media be a constant in the lives of their customers, less than half of business take this opportunity. And, when to participate in this do not treat this like a science.

Some businesses no entry in social medias because see it as a dangerous place where they cannot control what users will say. However, in the era of web 2.0, can be more dangerous for a brand is not in social media than be. In a market that change faster and faster, choose not be in social media can mean not be able to construct a relationship with customers, and consequently not sell to them.

Business need understands the importance of social media and invests more time to understand how to use this, doing congruent plans and thinking about how to measure the impact of their strategies.